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Jasmina Grbović Novaković

Areas of Research/Expertise

My work is focused on the research and development of materials for hydrogen production and storage for both mobile and stationary energy applications and catalysis. The main emphasis of research is understanding the phenomena and processes occuring when materials are irradiated with different ions, but also during mechanical milling.

5 Most representative publications related to Mechanochemistry

  1. T. Pantić, I. Milanović, M. Lukić, J. Grbović Novaković, S. Kurko, N. Biliškov, S. Milosević Govedarović, The influence of mechanical milling parameters on hydrogen desorption from MgH2-WO3 composites, International journal of hydrogen energy, Article In press, DO I: 10.1 016 /j.ij h yd e ne .2 01 9.0 7 .1 6 7
  2. R. Vujasin, A. Mraković, S. Kurko, N. Novaković, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković,S. Milošević, Catalytic activity of titania polymorphs towards desorption reaction of MgH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 4703-4711, DO I: 10.1 016 /j.ij h yd e ne .2 01 6.0 1 .0 9 5
  3. S. Milošević, S. Kurko, Luca Pasquini, Lj. Matović, R. Vujasin, N. Novaković, J. Grbović Novaković, Fast hydrogen sorption from MgH2–VO2(B) composite materials, Journal of Power Sources, 307 (2016) 481–488,DO I: 10.1 016 /j.jp o ws o ur. 2 0 1 5. 12 .1 0 8
  4. S. Kurko, A. Aurora, D. Mirabile Gattia, V. Contini, A. Montone, Ž. Rašković-Lovre, J. Grbović Novaković, Hydrogen sorption properties of MgH2/NaBH4 composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (27) (2013) 12140-12145,DO I: 10.1 016 /j.ij h yd e ne .2 01 3.0 4 .0 7 5
  5. S. Kurko, Ž. Rašković, N. Novaković, B. Paskaš Mamula, Z. Jovanović, Z. Baščarević, J. Grbović Novaković, Lj. Matović, Hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 mechanically milled with α and β SiC, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36(2011)549-554, DO I: 10.1 016 /j.ij h yd e ne .2 01 0.0 7 .0 2 2

5 Most representative publications non-related to Mechanochemistry

  1. S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Rmuš, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković, DFT study of boron doped MgH2: bonding mechanism, hydrogen diffusion and desorption, International journal of hydrogen energy, Article In press, DO I: 10.1 016 /j.ij h yd e ne .2 01 9.0 5 .0 1 5
  2. J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković, S. Kurko, S. Milošević Govedarović, T. Pantić,B. Paskaš Mamula, K. Batalović, J. Radaković, J. Rmuš, M. Shelyapina, N. Skryabina, P De Rango, D. Fruchart, Influence of Defects on the Stability and Hydrogen-Sorption Behavior of Mg-Based Hydrides, a review, ChemPhysChem, A review, 20(10) (2019) 1216-1247, DO I: 10.1 002 /cp h c.2 01 8 01 1 25
  3. S. Kurko, I. Milanović, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Ivanović, N. Novaković, Investigation of surface and near-surface effects on hydrogen desorption kinetics of MgH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39(2) (2014), 862-867,DO I:10 .1 01 6/j.ij h yd en e .20 13. 1 0. 10 7
  4. S. Kurko, I. Milanović, Sanja Milolšević, Ž. Rašković-Lovre, J. F. Fernandez, J. R. Ares Fernandez, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković, Changes in kinetic parameters of decomposition of MgH2 destabilized by irradiation with C2+ ions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38(27) (2013) 12199-12206, DO I:10 .1 01 6/j.ij h yd en e .20 13. 0 5. 13 2
  5. S. Kurko, Lj. Matović, N. Novaković, B. Matović, Z. Jovanović, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković, Changes of Hydrogen Storage Properties of MgH2 Induced by Boron Ion Irradiation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36(2011)1184-1189,D OI : 10.1 01 6/j . ij h yd en e . 2010 . 0 6.0 91

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