H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2,
Institution name and department
Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, “Lendület” Supramolecular Chemistry Research Group
Position held
Key words
My research focuses on supramolecular chemistry, particularly self-assembled supramolecular coordination complexes (SCCs). Specifically, we are involved in the design, synthesis and structural characterization of supramolecular complexes that can alter their luminescence in response to multiple external stimuli, such as temperature, mechanical stress, light or presence of chemical species. We are interested in the development of mechanochemical methods for the synthesis of new crystalline and amorphous stimuli-responsive luminescent gold(I)-based SCCs. We have demonstrated the role of noncovalent interactions (aurophilic, hydrogen bonding and π···π) and solid-state phase transitions in the context of the stimuli-responsive behaviour of supramolecular complexes. We use a combination of X-ray crystallography and photoluminescence spectroscopy to understand the origin of stimuli-responsive luminescence properties. We are interested in new mechanochemical ways to prepare SCCs, CPs, MOFs and materials properties of the as-obtained compounds.
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-7988-0255
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