52 Golomb St. Holon 5810201, Israel
Institution name and department
Holon Institute of Technology
Position held
Key words
My scientific field is Tribology and especially mechanochemical interaction during contact interaction. Mechanochemical reactions play a central role in tribochemistry and the consequent formation of anti-wear or friction-reducing films. Tribochemical reactions are crucially important to solve tribological problems. The normal and shear stresses are able to accelerate the rates of chemical reactions of adsorbates on surfaces. These stresses coplanar with the thermal reaction accelerate the tribochemical reactions on contact surfaces. The analytical models for stress- assisted surface chemical reaction kinetics and their difficulties and limitations will be analyzed. The effect of the activation barrier on the rate of thermally activated transitions during mechanochemical interaction in the interface of contact surface will be considered. the influence of an external force on lowering the activation barrier is straightforward.
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